A question asked as long as bands have been a thing; “Should I wear my own band’s merchandise?” Bands often think that wearing your own merchandise is “cheesy”, “desperate”, or just unprofessional. In this article we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of wearing your own band’s merchandise. Wrestlers…Continue Reading
Category: Advice
Artist related advice.
The Blame Game: Why Attendance is Low at Your Shows
In this day and age it’s easy to point the finger on why show attendance is low. Between the promoter, social media, bands not pulling their weight, bad markets, weather, etc… there’s plenty of excuses. But, the truth is the reason why no one is coming out to your shows…Continue Reading
5 Ways To Reduce Internal Band Issues While On Tour
Going on tour and promoting your music is one of the staples of being a hard working musician. With multiple personalities in a band can sometimes cause band issues. Some members may be more introverts while others are extroverts. Being confined in tight spaces for days, weeks, or even months…Continue Reading
Album vs EP: 7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Releasing Full Length Albums
Picture yourself being in a new band. You release a demo but then and your bandmates decide to release full length albums going forward. You release the album and it gains plenty of exposure, so you go on tour to support it. After the album touring cycle now what? You…Continue Reading
Why bands need to stop paying to play
Imagine this…your favorite band is coming to town. You would LOVE to open for them, a promoter approaches your band and says “would you like to open for them?”. Naturally your response is “hell yeah we would!” then the promoter drops the bombshell of “you can open for them but…Continue Reading