When being an independent artist, your budget can be a little tight. Any money you typically make will go right back into merchandise, your gas tank to get to your next show, or if you’re lucky enough a recording. However, there’s one element that is often missed by artists that…Continue Reading
Tag: advice
It’s Time to Downsize your Equipment
As the old saying goes “Bigger is Better” however is that really true? Bands often feel that having full-stacks with tube heads or dual kick drums are ideal for playing live. The problem is, when it comes to having bigger equipment you need more space to carry it. You either…Continue Reading
8 Tips to Avoid Robbery While on Tour
Within the past few years there have been a lot of reports of musician robbery while on tour. Bands are having either their trailers broken into, the touring vehicle is broken into, or stolen entirely. However, there are way to avoid your vehicle or trailer robbery while on tour. Here…Continue Reading
Should I wear my own band’s merchandise?
A question asked as long as bands have been a thing; “Should I wear my own band’s merchandise?” Bands often think that wearing your own merchandise is “cheesy”, “desperate”, or just unprofessional. In this article we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of wearing your own band’s merchandise. Wrestlers…Continue Reading
The Blame Game: Why Attendance is Low at Your Shows
In this day and age it’s easy to point the finger on why show attendance is low. Between the promoter, social media, bands not pulling their weight, bad markets, weather, etc… there’s plenty of excuses. But, the truth is the reason why no one is coming out to your shows…Continue Reading