As the old saying goes “Bigger is Better” however is that really true? Bands often feel that having full-stacks with tube heads or dual kick drums are ideal for playing live. The problem is, when it comes to having bigger equipment you need more space to carry it. You either…Continue Reading
Tag: touring
8 Tips to Avoid Robbery While on Tour
Within the past few years there have been a lot of reports of musician robbery while on tour. Bands are having either their trailers broken into, the touring vehicle is broken into, or stolen entirely. However, there are way to avoid your vehicle or trailer robbery while on tour. Here…Continue Reading
5 Ways To Reduce Internal Band Issues While On Tour
Going on tour and promoting your music is one of the staples of being a hard working musician. With multiple personalities in a band can sometimes cause band issues. Some members may be more introverts while others are extroverts. Being confined in tight spaces for days, weeks, or even months…Continue Reading