When being an independent artist, your budget can be a little tight. Any money you typically make will go right back into merchandise, your gas tank to get to your next show, or if you’re lucky enough a recording. However, there’s one element that is often missed by artists that…Continue Reading
Category: Technology
Instagram Hiding Like Counts in New Design Prototype
Recently reported by Tech Crunch. A new Instagram prototype design has been leaked that removes the amount of likes seen on a post. “We want your followers to focus on what you share, not how many likes your posts get. During this test, only the person who share a post…Continue Reading
8 Tips to Avoid Robbery While on Tour
Within the past few years there have been a lot of reports of musician robbery while on tour. Bands are having either their trailers broken into, the touring vehicle is broken into, or stolen entirely. However, there are way to avoid your vehicle or trailer robbery while on tour. Here…Continue Reading
Facebook Hack Leaves Bands Without a Home
February 2, 2019 — A Facebook hack of select users left artists without a home. Select user accounts were targeted that were owners of Facebook Business pages. Once the accounts were compromised, the hacker would accessed the business page, insert themselves as an admin, and remove all other admins. Few…Continue Reading
Spotify Block Feature: 3 Reasons why it benefits artists
Spotify recently issued an update that allows its users to block artists from automatically playing in playlists, charts, radio, or user’s personal library. The Spotify block feature or “Don’t play this artist” feature can be toggled on or off from each artist’s page. Once the artist is blocked Spotify will…Continue Reading